Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bishnoi Tribe

Bishnoi Tribe
Bishnoi Tribe is the name of the tribe living on the edge of the Thar Desert, western India. They are a poor tribe that lived about 26 Km from the major cities of Jodhpur, State of Rajasthan.

The word 'Bishnoi' comes from the word 'bis' which means 20, and 'nai' which means 9. This shows that they follow 29 principles given by Guru Jambheswar about 500 years ago. All life is related to the principle of environmental sustainability.

The Bishnoi tribe in India is famous as the most dear environment. They maintain the trees, never kill an animal, and exert a variety of ways for the survival of living beings.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Vegetarian And Global Warming

Global Warming
Have you heard that the global warming we are experiencing today is the effect of livestock manure methane emissions?

Meat of animals that are consumed in large quantities, it becomes a trigger hectic farm business in many countries. Livestock is the main mastermind behind the destruction of tropical forests. Action logging to clear land for farms, is the wrong way in the exploitation of natural resources.  

For the sake of a piece of beef steak 0.25 pounds, people are willing to eliminate the habitat of 20 species of plants, 100 species more rare insects and 20 species of birds and animals more.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Why Do We Have To Be Vegetarian

Adam And Eve

At first the man is being vegetarian, the arrangement of the teeth and digestive system show that humans are only suitable to eat plants. The human digestive system is completely different from an omnivorous species. By nature, humans are created by God as a vegetarian.

In the holy book itself is told that Adam and Eve eating only fruits. Indeed, there is no scientific study to Adam and Eve, but basically vegetarian lifestyle is described as the great, green, and peaceful.

In the historical development of the human species - Homo sapiens just started trying to eat meat after discovering the fire.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Vegetarian Is A Future Lifestyles

Vegetarian is our future lifestyles

Vegetarian Is A future Foods
 Vegetarian lifestyle is the future, why not? The facts show that in the modern era to live unhealthy tendency is increasing, diet and unhealthy living habits are increasingly becoming people today. This causes a vegetarian to be one of the best lifestyle choice.

This is a sensitive topic. The world's population is increasing, prices are rising, and consumer countries with large population is increasing - such as China and India - they spend more than the food produced. Besides no one knows for sure what will happen as a result of climate change in the coming years around 2050.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Vegan Lifestyle

Here are the recommended ways to live a vegan lifestyle to help the earth green again :

1. Do not buy anything that is related to or derived from the murder or torture of living beings.

2. Choose foods, drinks, products for consumption which contains elements of pure vegetable ingredients and free from animal ingredients or chemicals. Including snack foods (snack), cakes, breads, other snacks, make sure its content is free from animal elements. Drinks to avoid include beverages containing milk and alcohol. Use products such as shoes, purses, tire cord, cosmetics, and others are not made from animal skin or contain elements other animal. The most important decision before buying anything is to read the ingredients listed on the article or ask questions. If in doubt, you should find other alternatives.
Food Pyramid of Vegan Lifestyle
3. The consumption of fresh foods, avoid foods that are processed such as in canned food or food that has been preserved.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Vegetarianism Is A Healthy Lifestyle Awareness

Vegetarianism has been investigated thoroughly proves how nutrients in food consumed by settling can determine a person's physical and mental condition is much better.

But the notion of "eat" not only means that the type of food itself but also diet. The food was good if taken in the wrong way, can lead to no good.

Vegetarianism is a human effort to live align themselves with nature or a form of determination back to nature (Back to Nature). 

But it is saying, although a vegan diet is beneficial to health, there are still a few people who choose it as a healthy lifestyle.

There are several reasons people choose to live a vegetarian lifestyle.