Monday, October 5, 2015

Vegan Lifestyle

Here are the recommended ways to live a vegan lifestyle to help the earth green again :

1. Do not buy anything that is related to or derived from the murder or torture of living beings.

2. Choose foods, drinks, products for consumption which contains elements of pure vegetable ingredients and free from animal ingredients or chemicals. Including snack foods (snack), cakes, breads, other snacks, make sure its content is free from animal elements. Drinks to avoid include beverages containing milk and alcohol. Use products such as shoes, purses, tire cord, cosmetics, and others are not made from animal skin or contain elements other animal. The most important decision before buying anything is to read the ingredients listed on the article or ask questions. If in doubt, you should find other alternatives.
Food Pyramid of Vegan Lifestyle
3. The consumption of fresh foods, avoid foods that are processed such as in canned food or food that has been preserved.

4. Vegan lifestyle always buy products of agriculture and local plantations or local production. For food of agricultural and plantation, or the use of products such as cosmetics, look for organic or hydroponik element.

5. Do everything possible to reuse the bottles, beverage bottles, and other storage containers.

6. Buy in large packs, or refill. In addition to far cheaper also avoid the disposal of unnecessary packaging and only exacerbate the non-organic trash heap.

7. Vegan lifestyle do not eat fast food (fast food) which uses plates, disposable tablespoon. Because such fast food restaurant is the biggest waste producer, in addition to the consumption of fast food is not good for our health.

8. Bring your own shopping bag that can be used repeatedly, the material can be made of cloth or other vegetable materials, such as woven from hemp rope, rope banana leaves, etc. By reducing plastic bag, you also reduce timbungan non-organic waste. Plastic bags buried in the ground need thousands of years can only be unraveled.

9. Bring your own bottle, avoid buying drinks in bottles, if not urgent at all. Plastic beverage bottles are discarded carelessly also damage the environment.

10. Beralilah serving drinks to guests in the glass, avoid bottled beverage or dish with a glass of mineral water. Also avoid the use of disposable cups.

11. Buy something or shopping around the neighborhood or traditional market, as it will be more fuel efficient.

12. Expand the cook at home or bring food to the office, because to go out to eat in a restaurant in addition to spent fuel and also much cheaper when bring their own food.

13. Plant trees around our environment. Invite neighbors to plant the seeds and plants around residences, offices, or locations such as tree planting on the beach, schools, or public park.

14. Do the work of bhakti environmental cleanup, clean the moat or ditch around housing, waste disposal arrangement of organic and non-organic.

15. Take advantage of non-organic waste such as plastic packaging and beverage bottles to be used as craft materials, or collect them separately to be given or sold to scavengers.

16. Make a hole in the yard biopori at home or in a public park neighborhood, and can be used to dispose of organic waste. After passing through the decay in the hole biopori, organic waste can be harvested for fertilizer plants.

17. Turn off the oven, heater, iron a few minutes prematurely. Ornaments in the heating equipment is still able to work when disconnected from the electricity.

18. Check the air conditioner should be no leakage, lower the temperature, do not let gaps open in the air-conditioned room. Use a timer at bedtime, for example in the set hours of the morning, would die its own air conditioning. Use energy-efficient air conditioning.

19. Use electricity derived from solar energy for use of lights, water heaters and other electrical equipment.

20. Leave the house design to the architect or consultant who is an expert green house, so that we will impress beautiful house, will also be saving maintenance. Green house is a house that promotes the use of recycled materials, solar lighting, solar energy use, water treatment consumables to be used for multiple kebutuha, cover crops and CO2 absorber around the yard.

21. Turn off the light source, and if you turn off the TV, computers, and other electrical equipment that the cable connected to the switch, make sure the electrical source on the switch is turned off.

22. Do not let the faucet, where menampungan water, toilet tube leak, so the water drips out continuously for 24 hours. Imagine how much water is wasted in addition to extravagant cost is also wasted water with useless.

23. Use energy-saving electrical appliances, such as lights, rice cooker, TV, air conditioning and other electrical equipment. Already, there are many home appliances that save electricity in stores. Purchase energy-efficient.

24. Maximize solar lighting, open window shades, use bright colors in the house.

25. Immediately unplug the power cord from the source when it finishes used, such as for mobile phone battery recharge, iron, shaver eletrik, games, camera, etc.

26. Avoid opening the refrigerator door too long because every time the refrigerator door is opened, the pull of high power required for cooling the temperature.

27. Use a timer to be turned on and turned off the lights in the yard, so it will avoid forgot to turn off in the morning due to late wake.

28. Cut food into smaller size, because of the small size of the food will be less use of energy for cooking.

29. Use cold water to wash, and wash them in large numbers. Avoid the use of a washing machine when washing only in small amounts.

30. Use materials detergent, floor cleaner, laundry soap, shampoo, and other materials that are environmentally friendly.

31. Avoid using insect repellent spray cans, or mosquito coils. Better to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house rather than spraying insect repellent in the house besides unhealthy for the family is also wasteful. Attach the window screen, the screen door, and clean environment in the house so as not to become mosquito breeding.

32. Use reset your household furnishings, and keep in order to remain durable in use. Avoid the habit of shopping for new furniture when old furniture can still be used.

33. Avoid using deodorant or hair oil aerosol spray containing materials because these materials is also one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution.

34. Nay, do through garage sales or donated to needy orphanages or other cleaning equipment, toys, clothes, furniture which are not used anymore.

35. Turn off the lights if it is still bright lighting from the outside, or was not in the room.

36. Use paper back and forth to copy or to print. Avoid printing at the printer when not needed. Should send reports and memos through the office intranet or via email.

37. Urges the form of a footnote in each email sent out to not print this email if not absolutely necessary, to support the environment and reforestation.

38. Perform a meeting using presentation materials, and avoid a copy of the presentation materials. Send to meeting participants in softcopy form, but can be saved also saves a lot of costs for photocopy paper and electricity.

39. Avoid out to lunch, especially in Jakarta and other big cities, in addition to time-out on the road due to traffic, wasteful of energy, and also more expensive when eating out. Messages food to be delivered to the office, take food from home, or eat in the food-court near the office can be reached on foot.

40. Use elektrok banking for banking transactions, either through ATMs, internet banking, mobile banking. Avoid printing receipts or proof of transaction if not needed.

41. For the factories and industries that produce in bulk, use a source of energy derived from solar and wind. Factories with an open room and take advantage of wind ventilator to reduce the use of air conditioning or fan in the room plant. Give awards to employees who are disciplined in saving electrical energy, water, paper and other materials. And conversely, to employees whose careless, do not turn off electrical appliances after use, give a warning of sanctions.

42. Assemble environmental groups or groups of the "Go Green" in an office or factory environment by conducting various reforestation activities, cycling on a particular day to go to work, do a hike and engage in environmental activities.

43. Treat one day does not work for the cleanup event, which cleans all files, papers were not used, the reports are long, the evidence of bookkeeping that has expired. All files can be destroyed, if there is a secret, or weighed for sale to scavengers.

44. Do the design and construction or renovation of school buildings that takes into account aspects of environmentally friendly, use of solar energy for lighting, note the classrooms when the recess in order to turn off the air conditioning and lights, do environmental cleanup of school, invite outsiders are experts on global warming to do presentations in schools and they will be happy to do so at no charge, avoid copy teaching materials, but can send study materials via email or save it on a USB or storage material other files which brought students through the computer at the teacher's desk, every teacher is equipped laptop for an explanation of school lessons and teaching through the presentation of a laptop and presentation material can be sent via email to the student or duplicated via USB storage media or a floppy disk.

45. The road along with the family when leaving for work, for example dropping all school children off to work. Or, if the distance is opposite, can take the child by car school shuttle.

46. ​​Departing or leaving work simultaneously with colleagues work together in one car that is unidirectional, so they can share with their travel costs.

47. Try to use mass transportation instead of having their own car which besides wasteful fuel costs, also avoiding congestion on roads, parking fees, insurance and car maintenance costs.

48. When using your own car, use energy-efficient cars, which fueled biodiesel or biogas. Do not use large car or SUV type van just to transport in the city. Use of hybrid vehicles which use a source or solar panels.

49. Regularly take care of the vehicle, check the wind pressure due to the wind pressure will be less wasteful of fuel.

50. Turn off the engine when the car is waiting, when wearing a driver, always remind the driver not to turn on the AC and slept in the car. If necessary, after parking, leave the car keys so that the driver does not have the opportunity to sleep in the car, turn on the air conditioner and listen to the radio.

51. Learn to drive very well, changing gears according to speed or use automatic gears, avoid stepping on the gas too deep, turn off the engine if congestion occurs that is too long, turn off the air conditioner when the air outside is not too hot, turn off the AC car a few minutes before reaching the destination.

52. If the distance from the house to the office or workplace near and can be reached by riding a bike, it is better to use a bicycle that besides saving travel costs are also good for keeping the body fitness.

53. Avoid holidaying abroad far as it will leave a lot of carbon footprint. Many places of tourist interest in the country and various regions in the corners that we can use for a family vacation destination. Avoid the use of aircraft for onward travel or other official travel, for aircraft fuel is contributing more greenhouse gases than cars or other land and sea vehicles.

54. Reduce the meeting in the office or outside the region and abroad, due to technological advances currently able to provide remote teleconference, electronic chat, mobile chat, presentation remote, remote monitoring, all of which can be done because of the sophistication of the internet. Use as much as possible advances in internet technology for business purposes.

55. When was staying at the hotel, use hotel towels more than one day, turn off lights and air conditioning when rooms are not in the room, turn off the TV, and make sure there are no water leaks in the bathroom.

56. Use rechargeable battery or a rechargeable, do not use a depleted battery waste.

57. Choose a monitor for a computer or TV LCD models and avoid the use of electronic equipment waste power.

58. Use products labeled recycling (recycle), environmentally friendly (eco-friendly), organic, chemical-free, and can be used long-term or repeated (re-useable).

59. Bring a bottle shop chargers and liquid ingredients in place that provides recharging such as liquid soap, floor cleaner, refill drinking water, and others.

60. Place the plant indoors to maintain the freshness of the room.

61. Use an organic fertilizer plant, organic pest sprayers, and learn how to grow crops hydroponically because it is very easy and can be used for own consumption

62. Do not throw litter, separate the organic and non-organic, learn how to use organic and non-organic into something useful.

63. Speak and kumandangkan to the family, relatives, neighbors, friends, school friends, colleagues and the surrounding community to save the Earth from global warming by reducing the consumption of animal meat or vegan, greening the environment and going green in the home, school, work, and public places.

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