Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hunza Tribe Vegetarian

Hunza Tribe
Nature provides the means to live a healthy life, but often overlooked and underestimated by humans. Sunshine, fresh air, clear water, exercise, a balanced diet, adequate rest, and a cheerful heart is a natural remedy that is effective, cheap and there are no side effects.

One of the tribal people who still lucky to have all of the above is the Hunza tribe vegetarian. They have a long life. 

Their origin in history are from the army of Alexander the Great, who married Persian women at the uprising fled down the Himalayas and arrived in Hunza valley.  

They are Muslims and led by a Mir regarded as tribal leaders and religious leaders.

Hunza people are generally happy and likes to keep nature. Their lives away from things that destroy nature.

They are not pleased with air pollution. The air they breathe every second, the water they drink is completely natural. As well as the foods they eat every day is nearly 100% natural.

Hunza vegetarian tribe population has a very balanced lifestyle. They have enough hours of sleep. They have been trained to live quietly and relax. They often meditated amidst natural beauty. They live and work together very viscous nature of their kinship. They behaved very friendly, mutual respect among them, as well as against a newcomer. And manifested in the form of action not just words.

There are no family with wealth too much, but there are also poor or begging. Voluntary people who have lots of cows will lend his cow at that did not have to cultivate his farm. The situation in the family is very peaceful. Husband and wife mutual respect Generally, women are housewives true. Parents teach their children to obey a small start, and gave them the responsibility to work in accordance with his age.

The World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that the healthy, strong and longest in the world of this age is Hunza vegetarian tribe who lived and live in the foothills of the Himalayas, Kashmir-Pakistan. Their average age bias reaches 145-200 years.

Hunza tribe population is a true vegetarian. On average, they consume 350 grams of carbohydrates, 50 grams of protein and 35 grams of fat per day. Their favorite menu are apricots, wheat, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, and soybeans. All of this comes from the results of their work in the field of drug-free pest sprayers. Vegetables they eat more often eaten raw (of course after washed) rather than cooked with various spices.

Rice, corn, crops and others never fertilize them pesticides or insecticides toxic. The food they eat is often the wheat, grains, fruits and vegetables fresh and raw. If cooking the vegetables, cook them in a short time so it was not too long cultivated over the fire, also without food additives such as sweeteners, preservatives and other chemicals.

Hunza tribe vegetarian free from obese population because of their diligent work in the fields. Their physical endurance is very strong because it was used hoe and down hills. Essentially, they used to walk to work. Indirectly, this is a routine exercise for them.

Although they do not have a stadium, sports hall, but in a sports school curriculum made paramount. State of the mountainous nature of their support tomany move and walk up and down the mountain. So that they have a very excellent endurance.
Hunza tribe culture is never distinguish thin people, fat, young and old still has enough physical activity. Habits farming, carpentry, down the hills, which demands hard work for everyone. This greatly helps to increase the strength of the heart and muscles of the body.There are three determinants of longevity factor is; work, life and food sek. Their work farmers do not recognize pensions. Sek energy they do not "diumbar or sale" They were married at the age of 30 years, doctors never obtain sperm from males aged 119 years. And 14 percent of women aged 55 could still contain.In Hunza tribe vegetarian civilization, the retirement age is when a person dies. People who are aged 145 years even if they are given the task of weeding, feeding cattle, washing clothes, and child care. Almost no residents here are heart disease and lung cancer. They usually die peacefully in his sleep.

Hunza tribe population are people who are used to help each other. They are very friendly with fellow members of the community and the newcomers. There is no such thing as landlords or people who are too rich. Thus, they were not concerned with material possessions.

The elderly (the elderly) A person who was a senior, stayed with relatives and considered quite prominent and respectable. Said he used as a source of rules and laws. Despite their old age, they still have a contribution in the economy of the family, through their routine tasks such as grazing, feeding cattle, washing clothes, cleaning the house or babysitting.According to Dr. David Kakiashvili continuous physical activities that ensure the integrity and safety of the heart and lungs continue to function well, so that the oxygen supply to the heart muscle is much better than the rest of the people who live in big cities and modern. Because it is very rare that a parent who suffered a heart attack and died. On average they died peacefully in her sleep without suffering exceptional or troublesome relatives.This often live like they do anywhere, anytime, without knowing the time and circumstances. This is one concrete manifestation of life as a form of inner peace of mind and satisfaction. Here they find rest in thinking to solve the problems of life, due to the quiet soul there is a clear mind, because of an illness that arises is due to the condition of the inner or the burden of thought.


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