Thursday, October 8, 2015

Vegetarian And Global Warming

Global Warming
Have you heard that the global warming we are experiencing today is the effect of livestock manure methane emissions?

Meat of animals that are consumed in large quantities, it becomes a trigger hectic farm business in many countries. Livestock is the main mastermind behind the destruction of tropical forests. Action logging to clear land for farms, is the wrong way in the exploitation of natural resources.  

For the sake of a piece of beef steak 0.25 pounds, people are willing to eliminate the habitat of 20 species of plants, 100 species more rare insects and 20 species of birds and animals more.

Food consumed one can reflect what kind of health. Keep in mind, most of the world's population of nearly 80 percent is a meat eaters (carnivores) or eating meat and plants (omnivore). In fact, people with physical illnesses such as stroke, heart disease, cancer, obesity and diseases of capillaries caused by too much consume animal products. 

Water use in farms to produce 1 kilogram of animal protein, a 15-fold greater than to produce 1 kilogram of vegetable protein (seeds and nuts). Ironically, 50 percent of the world's fresh water used for farming, such as for planting fodder, for drinking and cleaning the cattle. 

Water pollution caused by sewage farm pigs, chickens and ducks. Water disposal of each pigs, five times more than humans. When maintaining the 10 million pigs means of wastewater disposal is comparable to 50 million people. It is conceivable bad impact on the environment. 

Due to the excessive consumption of meat also cause food shortages in many parts of the world. Currently the world's people still face starvation throughout the year. In fact, 2/3 grain produced the world's population actually used for animal feed.

 Not a few countries are admitted to food shortages, even planting various types of forage and economic crops required developed countries on land that should be a source of food people.

The balance of the earth's ecosystem in order to be able to go back to normal. By not hurting, killing, and eating animals. We have been instrumental in preserving nature and the environment.

Actually, if we love animals do not need to maintain it. Animals will feel constrained and hurt if maintained. How wonderful if we let the animals live in the wild.

Vegetarians can give excellent impact in sustaining life in the environment around us. This is because all of the food consumed by a vegetarian can reduce carbon emissions into the main culprit in global warming. Not kidding, according to a study at the university in Chicago, a vegetarian can reduce carbon emissions to 1.5 tons per year.

Many of the benefits we get from a vegetarian as our health will always be maintained as to avoid animal diseases present that mad cow, bird flu, as well as diseases of other modern animals that keep popping up. Nature and ecosystems will always be sustainable and reduce the rate of extinction of animals and many other benefits that have not been felt by us.

In addition, you do not have to bother spending your time to shop for meat or other staple foods. In this case you only need to buy fruit and vegetables.With vegetarian, we can save more money and our time for being a vegetarian it's free and simple.  

Not costly, especially if we could grow their own vegetables and fruits in our home environment. It can increase profits for ourselves and the environment around us become more cool and fresh at all times without air pollution.

 The most important thing, is to become a vegetarian we have also been participating in the world economic recovery efforts. This is due to a growing number of vegetarians, the food consumption will also be reduced, causing the stock of foodstuffs becomes excessive and this food can be used for more important things. As for those who are affected by natural disasters or famine are still common in this world.

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