Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Why Do We Have To Be Vegetarian

Adam And Eve

At first the man is being vegetarian, the arrangement of the teeth and digestive system show that humans are only suitable to eat plants. The human digestive system is completely different from an omnivorous species. By nature, humans are created by God as a vegetarian.

In the holy book itself is told that Adam and Eve eating only fruits. Indeed, there is no scientific study to Adam and Eve, but basically vegetarian lifestyle is described as the great, green, and peaceful.

In the historical development of the human species - Homo sapiens just started trying to eat meat after discovering the fire.
Before our ancestors discovered fire would have never tried to taste raw meat. But certainly not suitable, because we are not carnivorous. After people began to discover the fire, the meat can be baked or cooked, producing a delicious flavor so popular to this day.

As time goes by. Most modern humans began to realize the negative effects of consuming animal products. Ranging from environmental impact and health effects.

Animal waste is one of the largest contributors of methane into the earth's atmosphere. In the beginning, as well as other wild animals living freely in the wild cattle in the forest. Along with the development of human civilization. Humans began to find more modern methods than just hunting, ultimately humans began raising cattle and other animals.

 The more modern era, the growing knowledge came the idea man for artificial insemination, Making beef cattle become more numerous and easily bred. So that the cows began to punch ozone to methane, further accelerating global warming.

Cows are made more and more because it has a large consumer. So more and more people fond of beef, more also needs to be farmed beef. This is where from the standpoint of the environment began to emerge a dilemma and a new view that the lifestyle of eating meat is considered "less green".

From the standpoint of moral ethics that eating meat means killing animals. Eating meat is considered unethical. Psychologically it is true, we hurt the animals that we eat. It reinforced the fact that a slaughterhouse employee or slaughterhouses will not last long work in the field.

Livestock slaughterhouse employees will be scratched conscience, many are not comfortable undergoing work, better stop and look for new areas of work because basically humans are born in the world with a good conscience not to hurt other creatures.

Surely modern man has a life challenges that are different from our ancestors while still in the hunt civilization. Humans are living in an era that has access to many choices of food.

The concept of killing animals because hunger is not quite irrelevant to the modern era in this day. 20000 years ago our ancestors to be a nation of hunters, almost every day to eat meat because of the conditions and crush their position in survival mode. The current civilization survive by eating animals as a method of farming has not been found.

In addition to environmental factors, there are also health reasons which make vegetarian increasingly popular. Vegetarian lifestyle make the vegans have a small risk of dangerous diseases such as heart attack and stroke hipertency.

Because diet "back to nature origin", the vegan has a longer life expectancy. With a daily intake of only predominantly fruits and vegetables, the vegan generally has a bright and fresh faces and bodies with a smooth skin.

In the attitude and character of life, the vegans also have advantages in reducing emotional. The influence of the food was fresh and green forage vegetarian makes people feel peaceful and not easily ignited anger.

Man considers himself as being the most noble, moral, conscience, that's what makes the human being as a person who has the intelligence to appreciate the awareness of other living creatures. Ethics do not want to hurt the animal comes from the base of it all.

If we do not eat dog meat because it is love, why we do not treat the same thing to chicken and beef? Eating tempeh, spinach and apples will not make the pain when plants are cut and removed from the roots, the plant does not have a nervous system such as humans and animals.

In time, in modern civilization later vegetarian lifestyle will be more popular, people are becoming increasingly rare flesh-eating and depicted as an ancient lifestyle, a lifestyle of traditional relics of the past.

In the future, no more cattle. Chickens, cows, pigs released into the wild, wild life in the forest. Vegetarians will soon become a global trend in the future because the world's supply of natural resources thinning

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