Saturday, October 3, 2015

Vegetarian Tribe Baduy

Baduy Tribe

Imagine a peaceful place, surrounded by lush greenery. The sound of wind rustling hit the bamboo leaves, chirping birds, and splashing streams. Listen to the whispers of nature that greet in purity, you deserve to see with the eyes of the heart so that they brought the gift of experience inherent in the liver. There are a lot of local knowledge to be obtained in the village Kanekes, Vegetarian Tribe Baduy a very meaningful lesson reminds us of the identity of one of the ancestors of the old tribes in Indonesia are still living in the traditional way.

Forget cell phones or other electronic devices when you visit the Village Kanekes or more popularly called Vegetarian Tribe Baduy in Banten. In addition there is no electricity to charge your phone, even the signal is too difficult to obtain. Better you looked at the nature around and listening to the sounds of nature.

Vegetarian Tribe Baduy  is often called urang Kanekes. Baduy actually not the name of the community in this village. The name became attached because it was given by the Dutch researchers who equate them with Badawi or Bedoin Arabs are nomadic or sedentary. From Badawi or Bedoin, then the name that was shifted to the Baduy. Bedouins, as settled in the village of Kanekes, actually more accurately described as a person Kanekes. However, because the term "Bedouin" already been known, hence the name "Bedouin" more popular than "The Kanekes".

Baduy tribe vegetarian life is very isolated and far from the general association. Only at times of urgent and absolutely necessary before they exit the area. Even then done very reluctant. The women and children are not allowed by custom to outside the Baduy area. Government and religious leaders called Girang Pu'un feared.

Regulations stipulate that in the sacred land should always remain 40 households. If so, the excess to be put out, ie become citizens of Outer Baduy. authority and charisma, but also respected for being a powerful person. Overexcited Pu'un can treat all kinds of diseases and able to resolve any heavy. Command is a line that must not be deflected by anyone. But he is the leader of a fair and wise.

Baduy tribe divided into two groups, namely Urang Kejeroan and Urang panamping. Urang Kejeroan is in Baduy, those who occupy the sacred land in the area Cibeo, Cikartawana, and Cikeusik. While Urang panamping is Baduy who occupy hallowed ground outside the region of Ciboleger and Kaduketer, and they are considered Baduy who rank lower due violate customary rules.

Kanekes society has an important cult object whose location is kept secret and only the highest traditional leader and his entourage election that could go there once a year in the fifth month. The cult object name is Arca Domas. It has a stone statue lumping the harvest clue whether they will succeed or fail.

Daily Bedouin men using white headband. Unless puun or traditional leaders, the men wearing a knee-length black gloves and dark blue tartan. Women using batik sarong blue, strapless blue, long-sleeved white smocks. The girls use bracelets and necklaces of beads.

In the vegetarian Baduy tribe, they faithfully walk in travel, promoting honesty, refusing to pollute the environment (soil and water), and do not smoke. Baduy In applying more stringent than the customary Outer Baduy. One difference, residents are allowed Outer Baduy drive. In Baduy live with customary rules are strict.

In The Baduy, pikukuh or custom rules is a fixed price that is not negotiable. This differs from the Outer Baduy. In terms of food, bedouin classified as very fanatical. They will not eat the type of food that is not eaten by their ancestors will not make a habit which had never previously done their ancestors. Baduy tribe live vegetarian.

Bathing habits do not use soap has continued until today. Not wearing a soap that does not mean they do not have money, but actually in order to follow the habits of their parents. If there is a Bedouin citizens who try to use soap in the shower and get caught, certainly has been cautioned. This warning can lead to dismissal as citizens of Baduy inside.

According to the beliefs of their Kanekes descendants of Batara Cikal, one of the seven gods or god who is sent to Earth. The origin of the often attributed to Adam as the first ancestor. According to their belief, Adam and his descendants, including Kanekes citizen has the task of ascetic or ascetic (mandita) to maintain the harmony of the world.

Simplicity of life this is their way to "unite" with nature. Trust becomes a matter of life they are considered as set in stone and can not be changed.

In the Bedouin in the area, there are three villages, each headed by a chief or deputy called Puun and called Jaro. All three are village Cibeo, Cikesik, and Cikertawana. Puun each has a different role. Puun Cibeo care of agriculture, puun Cikesik religious care, and puun Cikertawana responsible in terms of health or medicine. This responsibility applies collectively to all three villages.

The uniqueness of the Baduy tribe still survived until now is the absence of technology and modernization in the slightest. The inhabitants do not know education, objects telecommunications, electricity, and even footwear. Even so, the population is classified as good at surviving and creative in fulfilling their daily needs.

Baduy closeness with nature such as mountains and lowland (valleys) makes their community should keep the two regions despite sounding contrast. Mountains and valleys should not be destroyed because if that happens then the ocean There goes their lives. Of the geographical location, the Baduy are in both regions. Thus they have to maintain as part of a balanced life.

Vegetarian Bedouin tribesmen were not allowed to cut trees indiscriminately, especially trees that are in protected forest areas as necessary to maintain the balance and clarity of the water source.

The trees in this area should not be cut down to create anything, including its designation was changed into a field or garden vegetable / fruit. Statements do not damage the forest has been greatly understood by all members of Baduy.

Farming / cultivation / farming is the main occupation vegetarian Baduy tribe. Not allowed the use of chemicals such as pesticides, especially for people who only use the Baduy In organic traditional patterns with the help of prayer and mantras. Thus chemical free organic cropping patterns like this, the reality proved to be more beneficial and healthy and even now widely imitated by 'city people' who care to maintain their health.

There is no restaurant in Baduy, so please bring your own food. Despite its hospitality vegetarian Baduy tribe would be happy to entertain you at home. Baduy In applying shifting cultivation with cultivation in rotation. The Baduy tribe is vegetarian, daily food derived from nature around the land belongs to them. The main livelihood is farming rice Kanekes community huma. In addition they also get extra income from selling fruits that they get in the woods like durian and keranji acid, as well as wild honey.

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